Accredited Member
For the last few months I’ve been wrestling with a book I’m trying to write. I’ve been in total confusion as to what to put in and what to leave out. I’ve felt as if I’m walking through a foggy wood; every tree was a story I wanted to include but I couldn’t see the way forward and so, in danger of knocking myself out on every tree I bumped into, I’d come to a complete halt. What I needed, I thought, was clarity.
If I could clarify the book’s overarching theme, its structure, create a step by step chapter plan, and then there would be no stopping me. Writing random excerpts as they popped into my head was fun but I couldn’t see the overall picture. This was resulting in confusion and self-doubt.
I spoke to other writers, got feedback from my writers’ group - great things to do if you’re developing a project – providing me with valuable insight and advice. This helped reassure me my project was worthwhile, but resulted in more questions than answers. Each night I woke wondering how to progress. After a month of this, I thought, ‘Dominique, you’re a coach, coach yourself!’ So, I opened a Word document on my laptop and had a coaching session with myself.
In coaching our words are often reflected back to us so that we can truly hear what we are saying, enabling us to absorb them or revise them. By writing my responses I got to reread my thoughts again and again. This enabled me to reflect deeply and see how my thinking changed over the session. I saw how I’d started the session desperate for clarity but how, with some probing; I was actually very clear on how to proceed. The issue that was holding me back was lack of confidence and fear. To continue the wood metaphor, the path was already laid out, fear was the mist, once the mist was taken away; it was obvious which direction I needed to take.
I was surprised by how easily clarity had come, though facing my fear will be harder work. And yet, I shouldn’t be surprised, because lack of confidence and fear is a coach’s daily bread. Clients come to me unsure of what to do, which direction to take, what to focus on. They talk of uncertainty, indecision and confusion. Yet as we work together people find the solutions to their problems and discover the answers they didn’t know they had. As this happens self-belief grows. We realise we have the resources within ourselves to deal with the issues we are facing.
My coaching session made me realise that I had the answers all along; I just had to overcome my fear and be confident about my decision. It wasn’t clarity I needed, it was self-belief. Confidence and clarity often walk hand in hand. Once you have one you have the other. Believing in yourself, being in touch with your instinct, having faith that your instinct is correct, reduces indecision and confusion. So if you don’t know whether you need confidence or clarity, try working on the former and latter usually follows. Or work on clarity with a coach and find your confidence increasing as a result.